US Demographics Data

The most accurate and current demographic datasets sourced directly from the US Census Bureau saving you hours of time and complexity.

Download a sample for free

Error-free, Validated Data 

Save time with our verified U.S. Census data customized for your business requirements.
imageWhyUse verified data from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey to meet your business objectives.
imageWhatDownload ready-to-use, formatted ExcelTM or CSV files. Other formats available upon request.
imageHowLet us do the hard work for you! We ingest the Census API data, unifying, cleaning, and updating it.

Examples of Demographic Data Attributes

Explore by State, County, City, and Zipcode.View datasets now
Population density
Age by categories
Median age
Median income
Households by income
Housing units
Median home value
Owner or renter
And more!

What are they saying about us?

Chris T.
Thank you for your prompt response to my data questions!
Maria A.
The Excel ™ file had all the information that I needed, and there was no charge for additional data points.
Will E.
The data was clearly attributed and solved for my business requirement.